Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We did it!! We got this GREAT Truck! Thank You Lord for the blessings you shower down on us.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fishapalooza 2010

It's hot!! I gotta say it again, it's hot! Last week end I was blessed to see my Aunt Clara and two cousins, Rhonda and Donna. I hadn't seen Rhonda in about 37 years.
I am now looking forward to the Fish Family Reunion in September. My sons and their wives are coming along too!! That's the best news of the day. We will be heading up that way on the 24th. Hopefully we'll get to see some of the surrounding areas and visit some ancestral gravesites.
The attached photo is of Calloway Mansfield Fish, my Great, Great, Great, grandfather. Pretty cool, huh?

Friday, June 18, 2010


O.K. Rhonda, this is for you. I am winding down my vacation Fishapalooza week. I have had good times, and stressful times these last few days. The highlight of my vacation was watching my youngest son, Seth get married to my new daughter in law, Mary Margaret!! Woo Hoo, what a beauty!! I look forward to hearing from them when they get back from their honey moon.
The Next highlight had to be today when I drove up to Iowa and saw my dear, dear cousins and Aunt and Uncle. It's been way too long, and I am making a new committment to family and will make every effort to be more family oriented and see them more often. I went by and saw my grandparent's old home place and was filled with emotions. The happiest time of my life was spending time at Grandma and Grandpa's house out in the country. I don't know where heaven is, but it must be close to them. It's renewed my desire to move back to Northern Missouri or Southern Iowa when I finally get to retire, provided the Lord allows me to live that long. Depending on which State has the better tax system (lowest taxes). I would love to buy a small place with a workshop where I can putter the day away.
I had forgotten the beautiful rolling hills of the midwest. I love Texas, but somehow it just isn't home. There's no place like home....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well friends, it's been a few weeks since I've said anything. I've been busy out in Santa's workshop, (AKA my garage) making things to give away for Christmas. I'm having soo much fun. The people at Lowes are getting to know me, (but most people do know me) and the check out girls are also becoming familiar. I like this new thing that the stores are doing with the 'self checkout'. I don't have to wait for people in line. I've been buying a lot of birch, poplar, and pine. I'd post pictures, but then someone might see the goodies and figure things out. hmmmm...

I've got a new e-mail address now. It's timfishhere@yahoo.com So...with my greatly enhanced password, hopefully I'll be able to keep this one secure.

Other news, my son Aaron has recently passed his test to become a journeyman elevator mechanic. woo hoo!!! I'm so proud of him.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm NOT in London

Friends and lurkers. I have been hacked into!!! Oh what charlatan hath hacked into the private e-mail and facebook account? Do not worry my friends, and definitely DO NOT send money to me. However, I will accept gifts. (he he) I'm concerned about people that I need to contact, but who's numbers or e-mail addresses I no longer have. I have been locked out of my own e-mail and facebook account. I contacted hotmail via web, and let them know that my account has been stolen, and guess what....Wait for it....They will "e-mail" me with information. Hmmmmmm WHERE ARE THEY E-MAILING IT TO? THE GUY THAT HAS MY ACCOUNT???!!! Anyway, When I get things straightened out, I will post my new address (alas, I will no longer be "lf8rman") Until then, take heart. I am O.K. and Cousin Rhonda, don't worry. I had just become facebook friends with cousin Billie, and now she probably thinks I'm crazy. Oh what a world.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Waching the Grandkids

We've got the young uns for the weekend. Today we went to the "Weiner Dog Races" at Wolf Pen Creek Ampitheater. We saw HUNDREDS of dogs. I have some "Tot Speak". During the day we told the grandkids, Taylor (Tot) and Dave (Bubba) that there would be LOTS of dogs and they were NOT to try and pet any of them without asking first. "Excuse me, may I pet your dog please?" was the line we gave them. Taylor has never been afraid to talk to ANYONE. One lady allowed her to pet the dog and had a nice conversation with Tot.

Nice Lady: "You've never met a stranger have you?"

Tot: "Well..Once I did, by accident."

We had lots of fun. Pictures to follow

Well, we ALL got sugared up and ran around like chickens with our heads chopped off and then came home and crashed for a couple of hours. Mmmmm....sugar coma.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fancy was her name

I have to say this is one of the best pictures of Allison I've ever seen. Of course in two months, she's got a LOT of pictures ahead of her. I also have to say that she looks "Fancy".